Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Blist of Fun Things I Have Found While In College. Part 2.

Hello again friends! This is a blist of fun things I have found in college, the second semester!

1. a. Utah is bipolar. On Saturday it was 75 degrees and sunny. Sunday morning I woke up to 5 inches of SNOW. What the.
1. b. This, apparently, is "normal" to all the Utah natives. Who has ever even heard of such a thing??

Really, Utah? I would also like to point out that it was 72 and said it would snow. Dumb.

2. American Heritage is the devil class. No matter how hard I study, I just can't seem to do as well as I would like to in that class.

Even though this is about finals, it really applies just as well to American Heritage.

3. a. French is a wonderful language. I really really want to go to France with my wonderful friend Annie.
3. b. Annie Duffin is one of my happiest and cutest friends here at BYU. I love her to pieces. She and I have French together every morning at 10 am. C'est vrai, n'est pas? We want to go to Paris together the fall of our junior year. It would be perfect!
3. c. When you have taken Spanish for four and a half years (or served a mission in Mexico, like my friend Tommy), it is difficult to switch mindsets. Sometimes Tommy and I, when we speak together in French, talk in an interesting mix of Spanish and French that makes perfect sense to the two of us, but not to Annie! :)

This is Annie, Tommy, and I. I'm not really sure why one is upside-down. But I guess it fits!

4. a. I love my electric toothbrush.
4. b. My electric toothbrush causes issues every once in a while. Once I accidentally choked myself while brushing my teeth, so I pulled my toothbrush out of my mouth to cough. In doing so, I did not turn it off, so the toothbrush sent toothpaste flying into my eyeballs. That was no bueno, but very funny to all of my roommates.

5. a. I have discovered that I have a fear of stingrays. Please watch this video to learn why.

5. b. Speaking of Stingrays, I would just like to say that I absolutely LOVE my Book of Mormon class this semester! I know that was a weird connection, but I heard the stingray story from Brother Marsh, my professor. He is so in tune and knows not just the history of the Book of Mormon, but the important doctrines it holds. Brother Marsh is also awesome at making connections between the scriptures and today, making all of the stories relevant and giving us advice for our futures as little freshman at BYU :)

6. a. Arrested Development. Need I say any more?
6. b. Ok. I'll say more. Seriously, funniest show of my life. It's right up there with The Office, 30 Rock, and Psych. And that is saying a lot.

Watch it.

7. a. I feel like for me, personally, Winter semester 2011 has not been a huge learning experience academically, but it has been a HUGE learning experience spiritually and physically.
7. b. Last semester, while I ate well, I wasn't super conscious of the portions I was eating. This semester, Heather and I have been [trying to be] a lot better about making sure that we eat healthy amounts and and things that are better for us.
7. c. Spiritually, I feel like I have been a lot more in tune this semester. Prayer, scriptures, church, Relief Society, devotionals...it's all wonderful! I feel like I have changed a lot, in good ways, because of the experiences I have been able to have at BYU.

8. To bowl properly, you must lay flat on your stomach and push the ball down the alley [that word sounds funny, is that the one I am thinking of??].

Lindsey and I bowling "properly." Yes, I confess. I photoshopped this picture.

9. a. Sometimes when you go to David's house to watch movies, it starts snowing. Sometimes David's parents won't let him drive when it snows, so you have to stay the night in the guest room.
9. b. Sometimes when you have breakfast at David's, you end up spelling your name with fruitloops!

10. a. I have discovered that I LOVE ICE SKATING.
10. b. Ice skating, however, is not an ideal date. Especially if it is a blind date. But it is still fun.

Me and the roomies ice skating for FHE after I discovered my love for the sport! (Minus Becca...sad.)

11. Scott went into the MTC while I was in school, so I got to drop him off! I love that cousin of mine! He's going to be / is a wonderful missionary and Tallahassee is lucky to have him.

Me and the Elder at the MTC.

12. Jimmer Freddette. Enough said.

Me and the Jimmer. Bam.

13. Sometimes when you want to sit in a hot tub but you don't know where to find one, you can just sit in your tub! With your friends! You may not fit comfortably, but hey, it's a great way to read the Book of Mormon for homework? Right?

Annie, me, and Heather. Yes, I know I am obscenely white.

14. On the 23rd of March, my visiting teachers decided that it was my "birthday," so they decorated my room and brought me cupcakes! It was wonderful!

The best part was the bra on the heart pillow.

15. a. If you go to Holi [Indian Festival of Colors] at the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, there are a few things you should know: leave your cell phone in the car, close your eyes if chalk is flying in your face, wear clothes that can get DIRTY, keep your mouth shut!
15. b. It should be mentioned that if your phone gets covered in chalk, it will be fine and come off. If you get chalk in your eyes, your contacts will get turned funny colors! If you don't wear clothes that can get dirty...well I feel sad for you. If you don't keep your mouth shut, I will feel sad for you again. Because your teeth will turn colors. And it will taste really nasty.


16. When you get asked to a dance, you have to make a cute movie to say "YES!!" 

17. Finals are coming up!! AHH!! That means it is time for me to stop blisting and start studying! Until summer, blogging world!

A Blist of Fun Things I Have Found While In College. Part 2.

Hello again friends! This is a blist of fun things I have found in college, the second semester!

1. a. Utah is bipolar. On Saturday it was 75 degrees and sunny. Sunday morning I woke up to 5 inches of SNOW. What the.
1. b. This, apparently, is "normal" to all the Utah natives. Who has ever even heard of such a thing??

Really, Utah? I would also like to point out that it was 72 and said it would snow. Dumb.

2. American Heritage is the devil class. No matter how hard I study, I just can't seem to do as well as I would like to in that class.

Even though this is about finals, it really applies just as well to American Heritage.

3. a. French is a wonderful language. I really really want to go to France with my wonderful friend Annie.
3. b. Annie Duffin is one of my happiest and cutest friends here at BYU. I love her to pieces. She and I have French together every morning at 10 am. C'est vrai, n'est pas? We want to go to Paris together the fall of our junior year. It would be perfect!
3. c. When you have taken Spanish for four and a half years (or served a mission in Mexico, like my friend Tommy), it is difficult to switch mindsets. Sometimes Tommy and I, when we speak together in French, talk in an interesting mix of Spanish and French that makes perfect sense to the two of us, but not to Annie! :)

This is Annie, Tommy, and I. I'm not really sure why one is upside-down. But I guess it fits!

4. a. I love my electric toothbrush.
4. b. My electric toothbrush causes issues every once in a while. Once I accidentally choked myself while brushing my teeth, so I pulled my toothbrush out of my mouth to cough. In doing so, I did not turn it off, so the toothbrush sent toothpaste flying into my eyeballs. That was no bueno, but very funny to all of my roommates.

5. a. I have discovered that I have a fear of stingrays. Please watch this video to learn why.

5. b. Speaking of Stingrays, I would just like to say that I absolutely LOVE my Book of Mormon class this semester! I know that was a weird connection, but I heard the stingray story from Brother Marsh, my professor. He is so in tune and knows not just the history of the Book of Mormon, but the important doctrines it holds. Brother Marsh is also awesome at making connections between the scriptures and today, making all of the stories relevant and giving us advice for our futures as little freshman at BYU :)

6. a. Arrested Development. Need I say any more?
6. b. Ok. I'll say more. Seriously, funniest show of my life. It's right up there with The Office, 30 Rock, and Psych. And that is saying a lot.

Watch it.

7. a. I feel like for me, personally, Winter semester 2011 has not been a huge learning experience academically, but it has been a HUGE learning experience spiritually and physically.
7. b. Last semester, while I ate well, I wasn't super conscious of the portions I was eating. This semester, Heather and I have been [trying to be] a lot better about making sure that we eat healthy amounts and and things that are better for us.
7. c. Spiritually, I feel like I have been a lot more in tune this semester. Prayer, scriptures, church, Relief Society, devotionals...it's all wonderful! I feel like I have changed a lot, in good ways, because of the experiences I have been able to have at BYU.

8. To bowl properly, you must lay flat on your stomach and push the ball down the alley [that word sounds funny, is that the one I am thinking of??].

Lindsey and I bowling "properly." Yes, I confess. I photoshopped this picture.

9. a. Sometimes when you go to David's house to watch movies, it starts snowing. Sometimes David's parents won't let him drive when it snows, so you have to stay the night in the guest room.
9. b. Sometimes when you have breakfast at David's, you end up spelling your name with fruitloops!

10. a. I have discovered that I LOVE ICE SKATING.
10. b. Ice skating, however, is not an ideal date. Especially if it is a blind date. But it is still fun.

Me and the roomies ice skating for FHE after I discovered my love for the sport! (Minus Becca...sad.)

11. Scott went into the MTC while I was in school, so I got to drop him off! I love that cousin of mine! He's going to be / is a wonderful missionary and Tallahassee is lucky to have him.

Me and the Elder at the MTC.

12. Jimmer Freddette. Enough said.

Me and the Jimmer. Bam.

13. Sometimes when you want to sit in a hot tub but you don't know where to find one, you can just sit in your tub! With your friends! You may not fit comfortably, but hey, it's a great way to read the Book of Mormon for homework? Right?

Annie, me, and Heather. Yes, I know I am obscenely white.

14. On the 23rd of March, my visiting teachers decided that it was my "birthday," so they decorated my room and brought me cupcakes! It was wonderful!

The best part was the bra on the heart pillow.

15. a. If you go to Holi [Indian Festival of Colors] at the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, there are a few things you should know: leave your cell phone in the car, close your eyes if chalk is flying in your face, wear clothes that can get DIRTY, keep your mouth shut!
15. b. It should be mentioned that if your phone gets covered in chalk, it will be fine and come off. If you get chalk in your eyes, your contacts will get turned funny colors! If you don't wear clothes that can get dirty...well I feel sad for you. If you don't keep your mouth shut, I will feel sad for you again. Because your teeth will turn colors. And it will taste really nasty.


16. When you get asked to a dance, you have to make a cute movie to say "YES!!" 

17. Finals are coming up!! AHH!! That means it is time for me to stop blisting and start studying! Until summer, blogging world!