Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Procrastination At Its Finest!

And so, because blogging takes priority over homework (clearly), here is that new post you all have been waiting for! I know you've been dying to read something new from me. Ha. I don't really have a main topic today...I just wanted to blog. So here's my life.

1. Marissa and her roommates got a snake. I went to go see it a few nights ago, and I learned that I really don't like snakes. As in [REALLY DON'T LIKE] snakes.

2. On Sunday, my awesome home teachers brought me cookies. Again!! This time they were snickerdoodles. And man, did I need them. My roommates and I watched the movie 17 Miracles about the Martin and Willie Handcart companies trying to get to the Salt Lake Valley. It was so good, but I just had to sit and cry for a little while once we finished it. Steph and I are both...let's just say "tender hearts"...and I was grateful for the cookies.

 "We made you a cookie man with...peanut butter...pants..." -My home teachers

3. a. I love my French class. A lot. It seriously is my very favorite class.
3. b. Story time!! So about a month ago, Madame Thompson (the head of the BYU French department, a native French speaker, and in general a very intimidating and well put together woman) was in my class to see how my instructor was doing. (I may have mentioned before, but my instructor, Madame Burgon, is a graduate student.) So in class we had to play a game of French Catch Phrase with our vocabulary words. Turns out we had an odd number of students...and I was left without a partner. Conveniently enough, Madame Thompson said she would be my partner. I was crying internally. I left class that day feeling like I had given a poor representation of Madame Burgon's teaching abilities and my own (limited) French skills. BUT!! This is where it gets good, people. The next day, Madame Burgon told me that Madame Thompson was - get this - VERY impressed by my French and she thought that I did a wonderful job!! Are we kidding?! I was so excited!!
3. c. I've been feeling like French is the direction I am supposed to go in school. Is that silly? I'm not sure. But I love that class so much more than any other class I have taken here at BYU, and it just feels right. We'll see what happens.

 Madame Burgon gave us all Halloween bags! I ate all of the candy corn. Plus vite. Haha.

4. Tomorrow is Jalyn's birthday!! Baby J is going to be...are you ready for this?...TWENTY!! We celebrated a little bit tonight, because we are going out of town tomorrow (see number 5 for more info), and it was fantastic! I made dinner and...tried to make dessert. Dinner was sweet potatoes with baked apples, cheddar cheese, and bacon bits on top. We also had a caesar salad. For dessert...we had a bit of a fail. For some reason the batter I made for the chocolate cake completely fell in the oven. Who knows why. So then I tried to make cupcakes with the remaining batter. Those fell, too. We ended up making dirt cups out of the cakes with pudding that Karen had! It worked out in the end.
4. b. More birthday! I decided to break up this post because it would have been very long. Anyway, our FHE brother Jim helped us blow up balloons (they were gold...for her golden birthday...she's turning 20 on the Eh?). We wrote out a secret message on them using pictures that said, "You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime." We felt it was a good motto to live by. We also got her a Justin Bieber DVD, a nightgown, and some socks. They were wrapped in a Walmart bag. We're just classy like that. Overall, I think it was a successful celebration for Baby J.

 The saddest cupcakes in existence. At least they tasted good...

Ok, seriously. Look at how cute Baby J is with her birthday dirt cup thing! And yes, there are 20 candles. I insisted. It's not your birthday unless you have the right number of candles.

5. a. Tomorrow I am going out of town.
5. b. Oh. Did I mention that tomorrow I am leaving the country?
5. c. Oh. I am going to Canada. For the weekend. Cool, right? It's Karen's brother's wedding reception, so we're all joining her in Alberta for the weekend! I'M JUST SO FREAKIN EXCITED! (Kristin Wiig, anyone?) I will update you all on this adventure once I get back.

6. Oh, you know. I'm just procrastinating doing my homework.

7. My mom sent me the link to this blog. It's about a sister missionary who served in England, and it is her answer to the question, "How was the mission?" I loved it. It makes me want to serve a mission, too :) Please read it! You will love it!

8. Sometimes Heather and I stay up all night laughing. No big deal or anything, we just don't sleep. It's fantastic!! I love that girl.
8. b. Last night we stayed up late texting each other. Through emojicons. She was sitting at her desk. I was sitting two feet away, on my bed. We're just cool like that.

A frequent sight on my phone.

A typical convo between me and Heather. No big deal.
[I hope you catch the Elf reference in there...]
[Also, we do not typically abbreviate words in texting. We were using it to be funny.]

9. I may or may not have played Live Action Mario Kart the other night...I'll let you figure that out for yourselves.

10. For all of you who think that Utah is have never been to Uinta National Forest in the fall. It is seriously one of the prettiest places I have ever been. I don't even have any words to describe it. I would be very happy to live there in a little cabin, watching the leaves change colors, sipping hot cocoa or apple cider, and reading books. It would be the best life.

Oh you know. It's just one of the prettiest places I've ever seen.

11. It really is time for me to do my homework. It really needs to be done. Even though I really don't want to do it. It really [REALLY] needs to be done.

Until next time, blogging world! Be on the lookout for an upcoming blist about Canada!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


On Sunday night I got the stomach flu. And it was miserable. I've been home from class for two days now, but I'll be heading back to the land of school tomorrow! So even though getting sick was horrible, lying in bed these past two days I have realized all of the many things I have to be grateful for. Here's a short blist of just a few of them:

1. Roommates who put up with me throwing up all night long.

2. Roommates who get me Sprite and soda crackers before they go to class in the morning.

3. Roommates who text me and check up on me during the day.

4. Marissa, who brought me chicken noodle soup that she made. From scratch.

5. Becca, who took me to Maverick so I could get more Sprite while my roommates were at FHE.

6. My hometeachers, who despite their busy schedules came over to give me a priesthood blessing.

7. Hometeachers who made me a smoothie because they are just cool like that, even though I had to give it to Heather because I couldn't drink it. Sad day.

8. Family, who even though they are in California, text and call me to make sure I'm doing ok.

9. Professors who are understanding and are letting me turn in work through email or when I get back to class.

10. Friends who tell me my homework assignments and are willing to let me borrow notes from missed classes.

11. My comfortable bed. That I have been sleeping in. Forever.

I guess it's like they say, there is always a silver lining. Even though being sick stinks, I've been able to see the good in this situation. And for that, I am grateful.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Navigating BYU Traffic

BYU traffic can be difficult to navigate. Coming from a high school with only 250 students, I had never before had to circumvent large crowds of people to get to my classes. Coming here was quite intimidating, let me tell you. Luckily I've adjusted quite nicely to the traffic laws that seem to be understood by...well, most. Over the past couple of days, I have become increasingly aware of these laws. In the following blist, I will explain a few of these laws as well as add some of my own advice on how to get around campus.

Before I begin, let's take a look at the campus.

Aren't the mountains pretty? Now on to business.

1. Traffic flows in certain directions.

2. Within these directions, there are different speeds. If you want to walk quickly, walk towards the center of the group. If you want to walk slowly, walk away from the group.

3. That feeling you get when you are stuck behind a slow person on the freeway and you want to drive faster? You get it on campus, too. Solution? Change lanes.

4. a. When changing lanes, I find myself looking over my shoulder and putting on the breaks. It reduces the risk of potential awkward moments, and trust me I have had my fair share of those (i.e. getting my hair stuck in someone else's backpack...but that's another story altogether).
4. b. Often I think it would be wise for backpacks to have blinkers, in case someone tries to cut you off. It's happened to me a couple of times.

5. Rush hour. Oh joy of joys. Each building has a different rush hour, and in the JKB (where I have my French and Spanish classes), it seems to be around 10 am. Right when I need to get into the building. My advice is this: do not push, do not squeeze, do not wiggle your way through. These actions will result either in pain, frustrated students, or (and this is the most likely scenario) an awkward situation (I'm telling you! They happen more than you would think.). Simply wait until the crowd dies down to get to your classroom.

6. Watch out for married and engaged couples. Need I say more?

7. a. One must have and use the proper vocabulary.
7. b. "Sorry" and "excuse me" and "coming through" are all appropriate phrases for navigating traffic.

9. Watch for pregnant women, strollers, and small children.

Remember, this is just a blist of my observations and ideas. Don't take me too seriously, now :) And if you have an awkward moment or...say seventeen...don't worry about it. It'll be one of your best stories in a few weeks. Until next time!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Yes! All of the rumors about me being in Provo are true! I am here, in my new apartment, with my new roommates, starting a brand new school year. It's good stuff. So in case anyone out there is interested in my schedule for this semester...I'm here to tell you all about it! (In Blist form, of course!)

1. a. Intro to Modern Linguistics
1. b. Ok, so this class is definitely going to be hard, but so far I am liking it. My professor, Dr. Hallen, is the cutest little lady I have ever seen. She wears all white--from her dress shirt to her orthopedic shoes--and accessorizes her outfit with a white pearl necklace. Her hair is also snow white. [I can't help but think of that quote from The Best Two Years, "We think you look real good in white."Haha.] Anyways. Dr. Hallen. She is basically my hero. She has studied a bajillion languages and loves them all. I love the way she gets so excited when she is teaching us. I kind of want to be just like her when I grow up.

Click on this only if you want to be scared. I have to learn how to use this.

2. a. French
2. b. I LOVE FRENCH. Sorry. I got a little excited. This class is a continuation of the course I took winter semester [it's a two semester course...I didn't fail in winter...just thought I should clear that up haha]. My professor, Madame Burgon, is so cute. She, like Dr. Hallen, gets so excited that sometimes I think she might explode. Luckily this has never happened. Yet. French is such a pretty language and it is so fun to learn and speak. I'm hoping that either Fall or Winter of next year that I will be able to spend a semester in Paris. S'il vous plaît.

Ah, Paris.

3. a. Doctrine & Covenants
3. b. This course is my religion course for the semester. My professor, Dr. Esplin, is great. He knows his information, but he keeps the class very spiritual at the same time. I'm sad to admit that I don't remember much about the Doctrine & Covenants from my seminary days, but I am finding it so interesting! It's all stuff that I have heard before, but facts and information is falling into place for me. My understanding of and ability to study the scriptures has grown exponentially since I was 14. I'm so grateful to be at a university where I can take religion courses, where I can study my scriptures in the library and not get weird looks, where I can start classes with a prayer or hymn, and where I can associate with people of my same faith. It's great!

This is a photo from someone's Flickr account...It's the bronze relief on the side of the Joseph Smith Building on campus, where most religion classes are held.

4. a. Spanish
4. b. Spanish. Español. This class is going to be difficult, as well, seeing as I haven't taken a course in Spanish for about a year. However, I've made a few friends, and my "profe" [short for "profesor"] is really nice, and funny, too. I've been in language classes where I feel bad when I make any kind of mistake with the language, but Profesor Gutke has somehow made his classroom a place where I feel completely comfortable making mistakes. Because making mistakes is how we learn other languages, I love that he makes his classroom so open to it.

I was originally signed up for a different section of Spanish with una profesora named Ariel Bean. In my emails last Monday, I got an awesome email from "A Bean." I laughed forever.

5. a. Intro to Family Processes
5. b. I'm taking this course to fulfill my Social Sciences GE, and I initially thought that it would be the "How to be a Mormon Mom 101" course. I'm discovering, though, that it is much more than that. We are learning not just about the family unit, but the family unit under society's current conditions, how events affect our perception of the family, how families are able to get through troubles and remain close, etc. It's much more interesting than I had originally imagined. I also get to take this class with my roommate from last year, Amber! We have decided that we have the funniest professor. Dr. Dyer is fairly young, with an adorable family, and Amber told me today that she thinks he always picks out his own outfits, because nothing ever matches. It's the best.

Super cute family portrait...I want one like this some day.

6. a. Where I'm Living
6. b. I am living in an awesome apartment complex south of campus with some wonderful girls! It's a 6 person apartment, but we have one open space available, so there are just 5 of us for now. I'm living with Heather [a roommate from last year], Jalyn [a friend from home who lived in Penrose with Heather and I], Stephanie [a photo major from Provo with an awesome sense of humor], and Karen [a tall Canadian who is the sweetest girl I have ever met]. We are so lucky to be living together! We get along really well. The five of us have decided to have roommate dinner as often as possible, which means we each get one night per week to cook dinner. This past week I made chicken parmesan. We're eating pretty well, if I do say so myself.

First Day of School! Stephanie, Jalyn, Karen, Heather, and me. Excuse all the awkward knees haha.
Photo by Stephanie Merrill.

Well, blogging world, that's all I got for now. Stay tuned for more updates on my life!

Oh, and PS, the title of this blist is a running joke with the roommates, inspired by the following text conversation a friend showed me. Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's Back to Normal Around Here! least my blog is back to normal. It was totally wacked out for about a week there. I tried to be cute and use one of those backgrounds that you download from Shabby Blogs or whatever, but it messed up everything! There was even some stuff in Spanish (what the heck?!). But now it is back to normal.

However, I don't think life will ever be normal, and I'm ok with that. I like things a little crazy. Here is a blist of some of the crazy things in my life that I like.

1. a. My family.
1. b. It seems like everything that happens in my house is silly. And I like it that way. The ways we entertain ourselves here...endless. The other day we decided to do some measuring, and it turns out the circumference of Walker's biceps is larger than my big deal or anything, right? We proceeded to measure other things. I guess that was a bad example of my crazy house. But you get the gist of things, right?

Compare: the left is my 15 year-old brother, the right is my 19 year-old self.

2. a. Work.
2. b. The pool is the same as always! Love that place, love the people. The guy who always brushes himself off and does yoga in a speedo is still here. He told me he can smell people in the water. Normal. All the ladies come in for water aerobics, and I love listening to the gossip, which is always highly entertaining.
2. c. THE BAKERY! I haven't told you about the Bakery yet! I could make an entire blist about the Bakery. But to spare you all, I will just make it another numbered item in this blist.

Oh you know, just chillin with a supersoaker on the back rack of the jeep and me being awkward.

Andy Samberg travelled around the pool for a while.

He made a stop at Marco's sign. (Yeah, you WISH you had his phone number.)

And by the time cards.

One Saturday it was raining all day, so we ended up playing cards. Whenever someone won, we got a Point of Awesome. Cool, right? Haha.

3. a. The Bakery.
3. b. So...I kind of love working at Bouchon Bakery...(<-- click here to go to the website for the bakery!) I love the 8 hour shifts and being on my feet and interacting with people and having awesome co-workers and being around amazing food all day long. I especially love closing shifts when there is extra pastry and I get to bring it home to my family. And then we get to eat it. All of it. Its the best. People always ask me, "What is your favorite thing here?" or "What do you suggest?" and I am always at a loss for words. Because everything - and yes, I mean EVERYTHING - is delicious. Good stuff.

I make coffee.

I eat deliciousness. This was from my first day of work...I took home broken stuff and other was all wonderful. And it still is.

4. a. My Reading Schedule.
4. b. Basically, I have been reading books all summer long. Long books, short books, adventure books, romance books, fairy tale books, historical fiction books...a little bit of everything, really. Ask me and I'll get you a list of books I recommend. Because seriously, I've read a lot of them this summer. And a lot of them have been great.

So I'm recycling pictures...I just don't really have photos of books. Also, this is appropriate because I feel like my room looks like this sometimes.

5. a. My TV Schedule.
5. b. So, I guess I have been watching some TV this summer. Like The Bachelorette. I'm kinda ashamed to admit it, but it's true. And I've also been watching Say Yes to the Dress, House Hunters International, NCIS, Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls, the know. All the good stuff. Haha. I'm very up to date on all this.

I was thoroughly entertained by Cee Lo Green for a I kept taking pictures. Because he always wears sunglasses...I freaked out when he didn't. But then he put them back on. No need to panic.

6. a. My Friends.
6. b. Friends are crazy, too. In many different ways. It's crazy that we all have a thousand different schedules and hardly have time to hang out. It's crazy that after two years, Thomas Seymour is home from his mission and we get to hang out. It's crazy that Becca Owen, who lives in Phoenix, was driving to Seattle and happened to be in Santa Rosa, so we got lunch. It's crazy that even though it's been a year, I'm back in Calistoga and it almost feels like college didn't happen because my high school friends and I have been able to connect again so seamlessly. It's crazy that the only contact I have with the people I lived with for a year is through Facebook and cell phones and the occasional Skype session, and that I don't see them every day. It's crazy that guys I have known for years are leaving on two year missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (<-- click here to learn more and read about real Mormons! It's a super cool website). But hey, it's life, and it's crazy!

A few of my lovely roommates. Just a normal night in the apartment.

Becca came to California!!

7. a. Baking.
7. b. So I've totally been on this baking stint the past couple of weeks. I think I have been inspired by the Bakery, to be honest. But it's been so much fun!! Look at the cute (and DELICIOUS) things I made!

This is a white cake. Inside is a lemon curd and buttercream filling, with a vanilla buttercream icing and gumpaste buttons and ribbon! All from scratch!

My coconut cupcake with a strawberry filling and a cream cheese coconut icing!

So yeah. It's back to normal around here. Well...almost :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011


If you are looking at my blog and it looks like a train wreck...


Now that that's out in the open...I hope we can still be friends.

I'll clean this up.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This is a blist of photos from recently. I realize they are pretty much only of the Valley and my dog, but that's kinda my life right now.

1. So in the BYU Museum of Art, there is an amazing exhibit called "The Matter of Words." It is all about books, so of course it caught my attention! (Click HERE to look at the website!) I may or may not have taken a contraband photograph of the piece "The Fourth Thousand Years" by Adam Bateman, a massive installation piece made completely of books. The reason this photo is included in the blist "Recently" is because I "recently" edited it. Ha.

2. The other day I was walking down the street in St. Helena and do you know what I saw? The coolest metal letters with little light bulbs in them! (I'm not completely sure what a "Tent Sale" is, though...)

3. My dad and I went to a stake service project a few Saturdays ago. I got a Mormon Helping Hands t-shirt, and I was happy because I have always wanted one of those, but I was also disappointed because it is an XXL. But that is besides the point. We went to Bothe State Park for some clean up, and I found a wonderfully leafy little stream, pictured below.

4. After the Mormon Helping Hands service project, I got a Swine 'n' Slaw (pulled pork) sandwich from Palisades Deli. It was delicious. I missed that place. Homer decided to ignore me because I wouldn't share it.

5. This is another picture of Homer. I just really like taking pictures of my dog. Can you blame me?

6. So remember how I got a stuffed llama from my aunt Carrie for my birthday? If not, read "A Blist of My Nineteen Years" and refer to numbers 12. a. and 12. b. As I mentioned, I was trying to decide between two names for the little guy. I finally settled on Don Carlos Roberto Estevez. I felt pretty clever, because this way I didn't have to choose between Don Carlos and Roberto, and I can refer to him by either one and he will respond. That is, if he was alive. Which he is not. Uh.. Anyways.

7. On Friday, I got to hang out with CHLOE. I love that girl. And it means we are finally HOME FOR THE SUMMER. And I have friends to hang out with. We got lunch from Checker's, which was delicious, and then drove out to Greenwood Dr. to eat it in the vineyards. Well, we sat in the red jeep. Next to the vineyards. But I love the fact that I can take my camera out of my pocket and casually take a picture while munching on my salad and the result is this:

8. For Mother's Day, we got my mommy some pretty flowers for her to plant!

9. Chloe, Eleno, and I went to dinner! We got Hydro Burgers and then went to Jolé for dessert. We had a deep discussion about hipsters, college degrees, and the re-opening of the pool for the 2011 summer season. This is Chloe and Eleno while we were waiting to be seated at Jolé. Going for hipster. Not really working.

10. Mother's Day. Homer fell asleep on the floor. 

11. Last night my mom went to the high school to pick up Walker after his practice and bonfire. Homer waited for her to get home, looking at the door the entire time she was gone. It was kind of the best thing ever. 

12. This morning, I had orientation for my job at BOUCHON BAKERY. That's right. SO excited. Anyway, on my way home, I stopped at Nickel&Nickel winery to take pictures of the wildflowers. It is my favorite winery in the valley. Super pretty.

Always remember, people. Life is great! Celebrate being alive! And jump for joy! It's good exercise :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Blist of My 19 Years

Yesterday I turned 19!! Wahoo!! This is a blist of all the good things about the day!

1. It's a beautifully sunny California day.

2. My parents took me to the (formerly) Rialto to see Jane Eyre. I love that movie. And book. Mostly the book. But I love the movie. (Accidental chiasmus!)

3. I had a lovely dinner with friends last night. I love the Morgans and Navas!

4. Homer finally remembers me and will play with me!

5. I got to talk to Chloe for a good hour this afternoon!

6. I know this sounds silly, but I love getting the notifications on Facebook telling me someone posted on my wall. All those birthday wishes make me so happy!

7. I get to use a lot of exclamation points!!!! (I can do that any other day of the year, but they seem extra special on birthdays and other holidays. Ha.)

8. I found an iTunes gift card in my room! That is a good thing.

9. I have a wonderful family that I love love love and great friends. I love love love them too. So much love up in here. ♡

10. I got a wonderful giraffe necklace.

11. I got some wonderful sparkling oxford shoes.

12. a. My wonderful aunt got me a WONDERFUL STUFFED LLAMA.
12. b. I need to name the little guy! I'm still deciding between Don Carlos and Roberto.

13. We got to eat some delicious Mexican food, followed by ice cream with chocolate sauce for dessert!

14. My family and I watched Despicable Me for our evening entertainment! I love that movie.

15. I am so lucky to be alive.

I love my family and friends, and I'm so grateful to all of you who have helped make the day special! ♡ ( ☜ I'm so proud I learned how to make those little things! Haha.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Now That I'm Home... I've Become Obsessed With a Few Things...

Hello Blogging World.

Gee whiz, college is a blast. I wish I was still there! But being home has been nice...relaxing...I need something to do...what? :) So since I have been home, I have become obsessed with a few things. Unicorns. No, just kidding. I don't know how that got in there... The following blist contains all things I am obsessed with. As of when this blist gets posted.

When I say things, most of these things are TV shows or channels. Ha.

1. a. Llamas.
1. b. Ok, I have always been obsessed with llamas. I think it started in 3rd grade. That year The Emperor's New Groove came out. On my birthday. Then I kissed one at the India Festival at the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork, Ut. Yeah.

So wonderful.

2. a. TLC
2. b. When I say TLC, more specifically I am obsessed with: Say Yes to the Dress, Cake Boss, My Strange Addiction (I love the hairdryer and the toilet paper ladies), The Little Couple...yeah. I watch pretty much all of it.

I love this show. And I want to be friends with Randy.

3. a. Food Network
3. b. Oh man. I love Food Network. When I don't know what to eat, I turn on Food Network. And I proceed to live vicariously through the chefs who get to eat their delicious foods while I sit and drool a little bit.

Seriously. Looks so good.

4. a. HGTV
4. b. Ok. Basically I love all of the shows on HGTV. But mainly House Hunters and House Hunters: International.

I want to go to there.

5. a. Martha Stewart magazine
5. b. OH MY GOSH. I wish I could make crafts that are as cool and as cute as hers. I really want to make cute things for my apartment this fall. I'm so excited! I'm thinking: bulletin board, picture frames...all things cute. If I have that kind of time.

Come on. How can you not be obsessed with this cuteness.

6. a. Mexican food
6. b. Ok, so Utah has this really great place called Costa Vida where you can get delicious food. Yeah, it's Mexican food, but it's not LEGIT Mexican food. Here in California, there is LEGIT Mexican food. I LOVE IT.

Ok, not quite what it looks like. But you get the idea.

7. a. Fresh Produce
7. b. Seriously, the produce in California is like 1983562871659827y098238716 times (and yes, I meant for there to be a "y" in that number) better than the produce in Utah. The strawberries here are red all the way through. All the best foods are in California (for more proof, refer to number 6).


8. a. Gilmore Girls
8. b. So it's taken a little while, but I'm half way through Season 3. My goal is to get to Season 5 this summer. I love this show. It is so funny. I love the banter. And the Gilmore-isms. Love.

The season I am currently watching. As I type I am on episode 13.

9. a. My Dog
9. b. Homer!! I LOVE HIM. So on Monday (after I got picked up in the Costco parking lot by Mr. Anthony...that is another story entirely...) I went to pick him up at the vet, where he stays when we are all out of town. When he came out of the back, it almost seemed like he didn't recognize me (maybe he was just huffy about having to board somewhere)...that was sad. He basically refused to look at me. But now he's much happier and he actually plays with me :)

How could you NOT love that face??

10. a. William and Kate: The Royal Wedding
10. b. I have plans. Big plans. I'm going to the St. Helena Cameo Cinema to watch the wedding, live time, at 3 am with Stephanie Graham. I love that lady. (Refer to my Blist about Girl's Camp to read more about her.) But really. On TLC (refer to number 2) I have been watching all the preparations and history on the royal family. I am SO excited for this wedding, it is a little ridiculous.

I can't believe I am actually watching all of this. But I love it.

11. a. MY VALLEY
11. b. I LOVE the Napa Valley. I can't even express to you how wonderful it is. And how good it smells. And how pretty it is here. And how much I want everyone to see it so they can understand. And I can't stop taking pictures of all things lovely here. And I am obsessed with this app on my phone that makes photos all cool. It's a dangerous combination. I'll post some photos.

I am so in love with it!!

Procrastination At Its Finest!

And so, because blogging takes priority over homework (clearly), here is that new post you all have been waiting for! I know you've been dying to read something new from me. Ha. I don't really have a main topic today...I just wanted to blog. So here's my life.

1. Marissa and her roommates got a snake. I went to go see it a few nights ago, and I learned that I really don't like snakes. As in [REALLY DON'T LIKE] snakes.

2. On Sunday, my awesome home teachers brought me cookies. Again!! This time they were snickerdoodles. And man, did I need them. My roommates and I watched the movie 17 Miracles about the Martin and Willie Handcart companies trying to get to the Salt Lake Valley. It was so good, but I just had to sit and cry for a little while once we finished it. Steph and I are both...let's just say "tender hearts"...and I was grateful for the cookies.

 "We made you a cookie man with...peanut butter...pants..." -My home teachers

3. a. I love my French class. A lot. It seriously is my very favorite class.
3. b. Story time!! So about a month ago, Madame Thompson (the head of the BYU French department, a native French speaker, and in general a very intimidating and well put together woman) was in my class to see how my instructor was doing. (I may have mentioned before, but my instructor, Madame Burgon, is a graduate student.) So in class we had to play a game of French Catch Phrase with our vocabulary words. Turns out we had an odd number of students...and I was left without a partner. Conveniently enough, Madame Thompson said she would be my partner. I was crying internally. I left class that day feeling like I had given a poor representation of Madame Burgon's teaching abilities and my own (limited) French skills. BUT!! This is where it gets good, people. The next day, Madame Burgon told me that Madame Thompson was - get this - VERY impressed by my French and she thought that I did a wonderful job!! Are we kidding?! I was so excited!!
3. c. I've been feeling like French is the direction I am supposed to go in school. Is that silly? I'm not sure. But I love that class so much more than any other class I have taken here at BYU, and it just feels right. We'll see what happens.

 Madame Burgon gave us all Halloween bags! I ate all of the candy corn. Plus vite. Haha.

4. Tomorrow is Jalyn's birthday!! Baby J is going to be...are you ready for this?...TWENTY!! We celebrated a little bit tonight, because we are going out of town tomorrow (see number 5 for more info), and it was fantastic! I made dinner and...tried to make dessert. Dinner was sweet potatoes with baked apples, cheddar cheese, and bacon bits on top. We also had a caesar salad. For dessert...we had a bit of a fail. For some reason the batter I made for the chocolate cake completely fell in the oven. Who knows why. So then I tried to make cupcakes with the remaining batter. Those fell, too. We ended up making dirt cups out of the cakes with pudding that Karen had! It worked out in the end.
4. b. More birthday! I decided to break up this post because it would have been very long. Anyway, our FHE brother Jim helped us blow up balloons (they were gold...for her golden birthday...she's turning 20 on the Eh?). We wrote out a secret message on them using pictures that said, "You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime." We felt it was a good motto to live by. We also got her a Justin Bieber DVD, a nightgown, and some socks. They were wrapped in a Walmart bag. We're just classy like that. Overall, I think it was a successful celebration for Baby J.

 The saddest cupcakes in existence. At least they tasted good...

Ok, seriously. Look at how cute Baby J is with her birthday dirt cup thing! And yes, there are 20 candles. I insisted. It's not your birthday unless you have the right number of candles.

5. a. Tomorrow I am going out of town.
5. b. Oh. Did I mention that tomorrow I am leaving the country?
5. c. Oh. I am going to Canada. For the weekend. Cool, right? It's Karen's brother's wedding reception, so we're all joining her in Alberta for the weekend! I'M JUST SO FREAKIN EXCITED! (Kristin Wiig, anyone?) I will update you all on this adventure once I get back.

6. Oh, you know. I'm just procrastinating doing my homework.

7. My mom sent me the link to this blog. It's about a sister missionary who served in England, and it is her answer to the question, "How was the mission?" I loved it. It makes me want to serve a mission, too :) Please read it! You will love it!

8. Sometimes Heather and I stay up all night laughing. No big deal or anything, we just don't sleep. It's fantastic!! I love that girl.
8. b. Last night we stayed up late texting each other. Through emojicons. She was sitting at her desk. I was sitting two feet away, on my bed. We're just cool like that.

A frequent sight on my phone.

A typical convo between me and Heather. No big deal.
[I hope you catch the Elf reference in there...]
[Also, we do not typically abbreviate words in texting. We were using it to be funny.]

9. I may or may not have played Live Action Mario Kart the other night...I'll let you figure that out for yourselves.

10. For all of you who think that Utah is have never been to Uinta National Forest in the fall. It is seriously one of the prettiest places I have ever been. I don't even have any words to describe it. I would be very happy to live there in a little cabin, watching the leaves change colors, sipping hot cocoa or apple cider, and reading books. It would be the best life.

Oh you know. It's just one of the prettiest places I've ever seen.

11. It really is time for me to do my homework. It really needs to be done. Even though I really don't want to do it. It really [REALLY] needs to be done.

Until next time, blogging world! Be on the lookout for an upcoming blist about Canada!


On Sunday night I got the stomach flu. And it was miserable. I've been home from class for two days now, but I'll be heading back to the land of school tomorrow! So even though getting sick was horrible, lying in bed these past two days I have realized all of the many things I have to be grateful for. Here's a short blist of just a few of them:

1. Roommates who put up with me throwing up all night long.

2. Roommates who get me Sprite and soda crackers before they go to class in the morning.

3. Roommates who text me and check up on me during the day.

4. Marissa, who brought me chicken noodle soup that she made. From scratch.

5. Becca, who took me to Maverick so I could get more Sprite while my roommates were at FHE.

6. My hometeachers, who despite their busy schedules came over to give me a priesthood blessing.

7. Hometeachers who made me a smoothie because they are just cool like that, even though I had to give it to Heather because I couldn't drink it. Sad day.

8. Family, who even though they are in California, text and call me to make sure I'm doing ok.

9. Professors who are understanding and are letting me turn in work through email or when I get back to class.

10. Friends who tell me my homework assignments and are willing to let me borrow notes from missed classes.

11. My comfortable bed. That I have been sleeping in. Forever.

I guess it's like they say, there is always a silver lining. Even though being sick stinks, I've been able to see the good in this situation. And for that, I am grateful.

Navigating BYU Traffic

BYU traffic can be difficult to navigate. Coming from a high school with only 250 students, I had never before had to circumvent large crowds of people to get to my classes. Coming here was quite intimidating, let me tell you. Luckily I've adjusted quite nicely to the traffic laws that seem to be understood by...well, most. Over the past couple of days, I have become increasingly aware of these laws. In the following blist, I will explain a few of these laws as well as add some of my own advice on how to get around campus.

Before I begin, let's take a look at the campus.

Aren't the mountains pretty? Now on to business.

1. Traffic flows in certain directions.

2. Within these directions, there are different speeds. If you want to walk quickly, walk towards the center of the group. If you want to walk slowly, walk away from the group.

3. That feeling you get when you are stuck behind a slow person on the freeway and you want to drive faster? You get it on campus, too. Solution? Change lanes.

4. a. When changing lanes, I find myself looking over my shoulder and putting on the breaks. It reduces the risk of potential awkward moments, and trust me I have had my fair share of those (i.e. getting my hair stuck in someone else's backpack...but that's another story altogether).
4. b. Often I think it would be wise for backpacks to have blinkers, in case someone tries to cut you off. It's happened to me a couple of times.

5. Rush hour. Oh joy of joys. Each building has a different rush hour, and in the JKB (where I have my French and Spanish classes), it seems to be around 10 am. Right when I need to get into the building. My advice is this: do not push, do not squeeze, do not wiggle your way through. These actions will result either in pain, frustrated students, or (and this is the most likely scenario) an awkward situation (I'm telling you! They happen more than you would think.). Simply wait until the crowd dies down to get to your classroom.

6. Watch out for married and engaged couples. Need I say more?

7. a. One must have and use the proper vocabulary.
7. b. "Sorry" and "excuse me" and "coming through" are all appropriate phrases for navigating traffic.

9. Watch for pregnant women, strollers, and small children.

Remember, this is just a blist of my observations and ideas. Don't take me too seriously, now :) And if you have an awkward moment or...say seventeen...don't worry about it. It'll be one of your best stories in a few weeks. Until next time!


Yes! All of the rumors about me being in Provo are true! I am here, in my new apartment, with my new roommates, starting a brand new school year. It's good stuff. So in case anyone out there is interested in my schedule for this semester...I'm here to tell you all about it! (In Blist form, of course!)

1. a. Intro to Modern Linguistics
1. b. Ok, so this class is definitely going to be hard, but so far I am liking it. My professor, Dr. Hallen, is the cutest little lady I have ever seen. She wears all white--from her dress shirt to her orthopedic shoes--and accessorizes her outfit with a white pearl necklace. Her hair is also snow white. [I can't help but think of that quote from The Best Two Years, "We think you look real good in white."Haha.] Anyways. Dr. Hallen. She is basically my hero. She has studied a bajillion languages and loves them all. I love the way she gets so excited when she is teaching us. I kind of want to be just like her when I grow up.

Click on this only if you want to be scared. I have to learn how to use this.

2. a. French
2. b. I LOVE FRENCH. Sorry. I got a little excited. This class is a continuation of the course I took winter semester [it's a two semester course...I didn't fail in winter...just thought I should clear that up haha]. My professor, Madame Burgon, is so cute. She, like Dr. Hallen, gets so excited that sometimes I think she might explode. Luckily this has never happened. Yet. French is such a pretty language and it is so fun to learn and speak. I'm hoping that either Fall or Winter of next year that I will be able to spend a semester in Paris. S'il vous plaît.

Ah, Paris.

3. a. Doctrine & Covenants
3. b. This course is my religion course for the semester. My professor, Dr. Esplin, is great. He knows his information, but he keeps the class very spiritual at the same time. I'm sad to admit that I don't remember much about the Doctrine & Covenants from my seminary days, but I am finding it so interesting! It's all stuff that I have heard before, but facts and information is falling into place for me. My understanding of and ability to study the scriptures has grown exponentially since I was 14. I'm so grateful to be at a university where I can take religion courses, where I can study my scriptures in the library and not get weird looks, where I can start classes with a prayer or hymn, and where I can associate with people of my same faith. It's great!

This is a photo from someone's Flickr account...It's the bronze relief on the side of the Joseph Smith Building on campus, where most religion classes are held.

4. a. Spanish
4. b. Spanish. Español. This class is going to be difficult, as well, seeing as I haven't taken a course in Spanish for about a year. However, I've made a few friends, and my "profe" [short for "profesor"] is really nice, and funny, too. I've been in language classes where I feel bad when I make any kind of mistake with the language, but Profesor Gutke has somehow made his classroom a place where I feel completely comfortable making mistakes. Because making mistakes is how we learn other languages, I love that he makes his classroom so open to it.

I was originally signed up for a different section of Spanish with una profesora named Ariel Bean. In my emails last Monday, I got an awesome email from "A Bean." I laughed forever.

5. a. Intro to Family Processes
5. b. I'm taking this course to fulfill my Social Sciences GE, and I initially thought that it would be the "How to be a Mormon Mom 101" course. I'm discovering, though, that it is much more than that. We are learning not just about the family unit, but the family unit under society's current conditions, how events affect our perception of the family, how families are able to get through troubles and remain close, etc. It's much more interesting than I had originally imagined. I also get to take this class with my roommate from last year, Amber! We have decided that we have the funniest professor. Dr. Dyer is fairly young, with an adorable family, and Amber told me today that she thinks he always picks out his own outfits, because nothing ever matches. It's the best.

Super cute family portrait...I want one like this some day.

6. a. Where I'm Living
6. b. I am living in an awesome apartment complex south of campus with some wonderful girls! It's a 6 person apartment, but we have one open space available, so there are just 5 of us for now. I'm living with Heather [a roommate from last year], Jalyn [a friend from home who lived in Penrose with Heather and I], Stephanie [a photo major from Provo with an awesome sense of humor], and Karen [a tall Canadian who is the sweetest girl I have ever met]. We are so lucky to be living together! We get along really well. The five of us have decided to have roommate dinner as often as possible, which means we each get one night per week to cook dinner. This past week I made chicken parmesan. We're eating pretty well, if I do say so myself.

First Day of School! Stephanie, Jalyn, Karen, Heather, and me. Excuse all the awkward knees haha.
Photo by Stephanie Merrill.

Well, blogging world, that's all I got for now. Stay tuned for more updates on my life!

Oh, and PS, the title of this blist is a running joke with the roommates, inspired by the following text conversation a friend showed me. Enjoy! :)

It's Back to Normal Around Here! least my blog is back to normal. It was totally wacked out for about a week there. I tried to be cute and use one of those backgrounds that you download from Shabby Blogs or whatever, but it messed up everything! There was even some stuff in Spanish (what the heck?!). But now it is back to normal.

However, I don't think life will ever be normal, and I'm ok with that. I like things a little crazy. Here is a blist of some of the crazy things in my life that I like.

1. a. My family.
1. b. It seems like everything that happens in my house is silly. And I like it that way. The ways we entertain ourselves here...endless. The other day we decided to do some measuring, and it turns out the circumference of Walker's biceps is larger than my big deal or anything, right? We proceeded to measure other things. I guess that was a bad example of my crazy house. But you get the gist of things, right?

Compare: the left is my 15 year-old brother, the right is my 19 year-old self.

2. a. Work.
2. b. The pool is the same as always! Love that place, love the people. The guy who always brushes himself off and does yoga in a speedo is still here. He told me he can smell people in the water. Normal. All the ladies come in for water aerobics, and I love listening to the gossip, which is always highly entertaining.
2. c. THE BAKERY! I haven't told you about the Bakery yet! I could make an entire blist about the Bakery. But to spare you all, I will just make it another numbered item in this blist.

Oh you know, just chillin with a supersoaker on the back rack of the jeep and me being awkward.

Andy Samberg travelled around the pool for a while.

He made a stop at Marco's sign. (Yeah, you WISH you had his phone number.)

And by the time cards.

One Saturday it was raining all day, so we ended up playing cards. Whenever someone won, we got a Point of Awesome. Cool, right? Haha.

3. a. The Bakery.
3. b. So...I kind of love working at Bouchon Bakery...(<-- click here to go to the website for the bakery!) I love the 8 hour shifts and being on my feet and interacting with people and having awesome co-workers and being around amazing food all day long. I especially love closing shifts when there is extra pastry and I get to bring it home to my family. And then we get to eat it. All of it. Its the best. People always ask me, "What is your favorite thing here?" or "What do you suggest?" and I am always at a loss for words. Because everything - and yes, I mean EVERYTHING - is delicious. Good stuff.

I make coffee.

I eat deliciousness. This was from my first day of work...I took home broken stuff and other was all wonderful. And it still is.

4. a. My Reading Schedule.
4. b. Basically, I have been reading books all summer long. Long books, short books, adventure books, romance books, fairy tale books, historical fiction books...a little bit of everything, really. Ask me and I'll get you a list of books I recommend. Because seriously, I've read a lot of them this summer. And a lot of them have been great.

So I'm recycling pictures...I just don't really have photos of books. Also, this is appropriate because I feel like my room looks like this sometimes.

5. a. My TV Schedule.
5. b. So, I guess I have been watching some TV this summer. Like The Bachelorette. I'm kinda ashamed to admit it, but it's true. And I've also been watching Say Yes to the Dress, House Hunters International, NCIS, Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls, the know. All the good stuff. Haha. I'm very up to date on all this.

I was thoroughly entertained by Cee Lo Green for a I kept taking pictures. Because he always wears sunglasses...I freaked out when he didn't. But then he put them back on. No need to panic.

6. a. My Friends.
6. b. Friends are crazy, too. In many different ways. It's crazy that we all have a thousand different schedules and hardly have time to hang out. It's crazy that after two years, Thomas Seymour is home from his mission and we get to hang out. It's crazy that Becca Owen, who lives in Phoenix, was driving to Seattle and happened to be in Santa Rosa, so we got lunch. It's crazy that even though it's been a year, I'm back in Calistoga and it almost feels like college didn't happen because my high school friends and I have been able to connect again so seamlessly. It's crazy that the only contact I have with the people I lived with for a year is through Facebook and cell phones and the occasional Skype session, and that I don't see them every day. It's crazy that guys I have known for years are leaving on two year missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (<-- click here to learn more and read about real Mormons! It's a super cool website). But hey, it's life, and it's crazy!

A few of my lovely roommates. Just a normal night in the apartment.

Becca came to California!!

7. a. Baking.
7. b. So I've totally been on this baking stint the past couple of weeks. I think I have been inspired by the Bakery, to be honest. But it's been so much fun!! Look at the cute (and DELICIOUS) things I made!

This is a white cake. Inside is a lemon curd and buttercream filling, with a vanilla buttercream icing and gumpaste buttons and ribbon! All from scratch!

My coconut cupcake with a strawberry filling and a cream cheese coconut icing!

So yeah. It's back to normal around here. Well...almost :)


If you are looking at my blog and it looks like a train wreck...


Now that that's out in the open...I hope we can still be friends.

I'll clean this up.



This is a blist of photos from recently. I realize they are pretty much only of the Valley and my dog, but that's kinda my life right now.

1. So in the BYU Museum of Art, there is an amazing exhibit called "The Matter of Words." It is all about books, so of course it caught my attention! (Click HERE to look at the website!) I may or may not have taken a contraband photograph of the piece "The Fourth Thousand Years" by Adam Bateman, a massive installation piece made completely of books. The reason this photo is included in the blist "Recently" is because I "recently" edited it. Ha.

2. The other day I was walking down the street in St. Helena and do you know what I saw? The coolest metal letters with little light bulbs in them! (I'm not completely sure what a "Tent Sale" is, though...)

3. My dad and I went to a stake service project a few Saturdays ago. I got a Mormon Helping Hands t-shirt, and I was happy because I have always wanted one of those, but I was also disappointed because it is an XXL. But that is besides the point. We went to Bothe State Park for some clean up, and I found a wonderfully leafy little stream, pictured below.

4. After the Mormon Helping Hands service project, I got a Swine 'n' Slaw (pulled pork) sandwich from Palisades Deli. It was delicious. I missed that place. Homer decided to ignore me because I wouldn't share it.

5. This is another picture of Homer. I just really like taking pictures of my dog. Can you blame me?

6. So remember how I got a stuffed llama from my aunt Carrie for my birthday? If not, read "A Blist of My Nineteen Years" and refer to numbers 12. a. and 12. b. As I mentioned, I was trying to decide between two names for the little guy. I finally settled on Don Carlos Roberto Estevez. I felt pretty clever, because this way I didn't have to choose between Don Carlos and Roberto, and I can refer to him by either one and he will respond. That is, if he was alive. Which he is not. Uh.. Anyways.

7. On Friday, I got to hang out with CHLOE. I love that girl. And it means we are finally HOME FOR THE SUMMER. And I have friends to hang out with. We got lunch from Checker's, which was delicious, and then drove out to Greenwood Dr. to eat it in the vineyards. Well, we sat in the red jeep. Next to the vineyards. But I love the fact that I can take my camera out of my pocket and casually take a picture while munching on my salad and the result is this:

8. For Mother's Day, we got my mommy some pretty flowers for her to plant!

9. Chloe, Eleno, and I went to dinner! We got Hydro Burgers and then went to Jolé for dessert. We had a deep discussion about hipsters, college degrees, and the re-opening of the pool for the 2011 summer season. This is Chloe and Eleno while we were waiting to be seated at Jolé. Going for hipster. Not really working.

10. Mother's Day. Homer fell asleep on the floor. 

11. Last night my mom went to the high school to pick up Walker after his practice and bonfire. Homer waited for her to get home, looking at the door the entire time she was gone. It was kind of the best thing ever. 

12. This morning, I had orientation for my job at BOUCHON BAKERY. That's right. SO excited. Anyway, on my way home, I stopped at Nickel&Nickel winery to take pictures of the wildflowers. It is my favorite winery in the valley. Super pretty.

Always remember, people. Life is great! Celebrate being alive! And jump for joy! It's good exercise :)

A Blist of My 19 Years

Yesterday I turned 19!! Wahoo!! This is a blist of all the good things about the day!

1. It's a beautifully sunny California day.

2. My parents took me to the (formerly) Rialto to see Jane Eyre. I love that movie. And book. Mostly the book. But I love the movie. (Accidental chiasmus!)

3. I had a lovely dinner with friends last night. I love the Morgans and Navas!

4. Homer finally remembers me and will play with me!

5. I got to talk to Chloe for a good hour this afternoon!

6. I know this sounds silly, but I love getting the notifications on Facebook telling me someone posted on my wall. All those birthday wishes make me so happy!

7. I get to use a lot of exclamation points!!!! (I can do that any other day of the year, but they seem extra special on birthdays and other holidays. Ha.)

8. I found an iTunes gift card in my room! That is a good thing.

9. I have a wonderful family that I love love love and great friends. I love love love them too. So much love up in here. ♡

10. I got a wonderful giraffe necklace.

11. I got some wonderful sparkling oxford shoes.

12. a. My wonderful aunt got me a WONDERFUL STUFFED LLAMA.
12. b. I need to name the little guy! I'm still deciding between Don Carlos and Roberto.

13. We got to eat some delicious Mexican food, followed by ice cream with chocolate sauce for dessert!

14. My family and I watched Despicable Me for our evening entertainment! I love that movie.

15. I am so lucky to be alive.

I love my family and friends, and I'm so grateful to all of you who have helped make the day special! ♡ ( ☜ I'm so proud I learned how to make those little things! Haha.)

Now That I'm Home... I've Become Obsessed With a Few Things...

Hello Blogging World.

Gee whiz, college is a blast. I wish I was still there! But being home has been nice...relaxing...I need something to do...what? :) So since I have been home, I have become obsessed with a few things. Unicorns. No, just kidding. I don't know how that got in there... The following blist contains all things I am obsessed with. As of when this blist gets posted.

When I say things, most of these things are TV shows or channels. Ha.

1. a. Llamas.
1. b. Ok, I have always been obsessed with llamas. I think it started in 3rd grade. That year The Emperor's New Groove came out. On my birthday. Then I kissed one at the India Festival at the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork, Ut. Yeah.

So wonderful.

2. a. TLC
2. b. When I say TLC, more specifically I am obsessed with: Say Yes to the Dress, Cake Boss, My Strange Addiction (I love the hairdryer and the toilet paper ladies), The Little Couple...yeah. I watch pretty much all of it.

I love this show. And I want to be friends with Randy.

3. a. Food Network
3. b. Oh man. I love Food Network. When I don't know what to eat, I turn on Food Network. And I proceed to live vicariously through the chefs who get to eat their delicious foods while I sit and drool a little bit.

Seriously. Looks so good.

4. a. HGTV
4. b. Ok. Basically I love all of the shows on HGTV. But mainly House Hunters and House Hunters: International.

I want to go to there.

5. a. Martha Stewart magazine
5. b. OH MY GOSH. I wish I could make crafts that are as cool and as cute as hers. I really want to make cute things for my apartment this fall. I'm so excited! I'm thinking: bulletin board, picture frames...all things cute. If I have that kind of time.

Come on. How can you not be obsessed with this cuteness.

6. a. Mexican food
6. b. Ok, so Utah has this really great place called Costa Vida where you can get delicious food. Yeah, it's Mexican food, but it's not LEGIT Mexican food. Here in California, there is LEGIT Mexican food. I LOVE IT.

Ok, not quite what it looks like. But you get the idea.

7. a. Fresh Produce
7. b. Seriously, the produce in California is like 1983562871659827y098238716 times (and yes, I meant for there to be a "y" in that number) better than the produce in Utah. The strawberries here are red all the way through. All the best foods are in California (for more proof, refer to number 6).


8. a. Gilmore Girls
8. b. So it's taken a little while, but I'm half way through Season 3. My goal is to get to Season 5 this summer. I love this show. It is so funny. I love the banter. And the Gilmore-isms. Love.

The season I am currently watching. As I type I am on episode 13.

9. a. My Dog
9. b. Homer!! I LOVE HIM. So on Monday (after I got picked up in the Costco parking lot by Mr. Anthony...that is another story entirely...) I went to pick him up at the vet, where he stays when we are all out of town. When he came out of the back, it almost seemed like he didn't recognize me (maybe he was just huffy about having to board somewhere)...that was sad. He basically refused to look at me. But now he's much happier and he actually plays with me :)

How could you NOT love that face??

10. a. William and Kate: The Royal Wedding
10. b. I have plans. Big plans. I'm going to the St. Helena Cameo Cinema to watch the wedding, live time, at 3 am with Stephanie Graham. I love that lady. (Refer to my Blist about Girl's Camp to read more about her.) But really. On TLC (refer to number 2) I have been watching all the preparations and history on the royal family. I am SO excited for this wedding, it is a little ridiculous.

I can't believe I am actually watching all of this. But I love it.

11. a. MY VALLEY
11. b. I LOVE the Napa Valley. I can't even express to you how wonderful it is. And how good it smells. And how pretty it is here. And how much I want everyone to see it so they can understand. And I can't stop taking pictures of all things lovely here. And I am obsessed with this app on my phone that makes photos all cool. It's a dangerous combination. I'll post some photos.

I am so in love with it!!