Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Procrastination At Its Finest!

And so, because blogging takes priority over homework (clearly), here is that new post you all have been waiting for! I know you've been dying to read something new from me. Ha. I don't really have a main topic today...I just wanted to blog. So here's my life.

1. Marissa and her roommates got a snake. I went to go see it a few nights ago, and I learned that I really don't like snakes. As in [REALLY DON'T LIKE] snakes.

2. On Sunday, my awesome home teachers brought me cookies. Again!! This time they were snickerdoodles. And man, did I need them. My roommates and I watched the movie 17 Miracles about the Martin and Willie Handcart companies trying to get to the Salt Lake Valley. It was so good, but I just had to sit and cry for a little while once we finished it. Steph and I are both...let's just say "tender hearts"...and I was grateful for the cookies.

 "We made you a cookie man with...peanut butter...pants..." -My home teachers

3. a. I love my French class. A lot. It seriously is my very favorite class.
3. b. Story time!! So about a month ago, Madame Thompson (the head of the BYU French department, a native French speaker, and in general a very intimidating and well put together woman) was in my class to see how my instructor was doing. (I may have mentioned before, but my instructor, Madame Burgon, is a graduate student.) So in class we had to play a game of French Catch Phrase with our vocabulary words. Turns out we had an odd number of students...and I was left without a partner. Conveniently enough, Madame Thompson said she would be my partner. I was crying internally. I left class that day feeling like I had given a poor representation of Madame Burgon's teaching abilities and my own (limited) French skills. BUT!! This is where it gets good, people. The next day, Madame Burgon told me that Madame Thompson was - get this - VERY impressed by my French and she thought that I did a wonderful job!! Are we kidding?! I was so excited!!
3. c. I've been feeling like French is the direction I am supposed to go in school. Is that silly? I'm not sure. But I love that class so much more than any other class I have taken here at BYU, and it just feels right. We'll see what happens.

 Madame Burgon gave us all Halloween bags! I ate all of the candy corn. Plus vite. Haha.

4. Tomorrow is Jalyn's birthday!! Baby J is going to be...are you ready for this?...TWENTY!! We celebrated a little bit tonight, because we are going out of town tomorrow (see number 5 for more info), and it was fantastic! I made dinner and...tried to make dessert. Dinner was sweet potatoes with baked apples, cheddar cheese, and bacon bits on top. We also had a caesar salad. For dessert...we had a bit of a fail. For some reason the batter I made for the chocolate cake completely fell in the oven. Who knows why. So then I tried to make cupcakes with the remaining batter. Those fell, too. We ended up making dirt cups out of the cakes with pudding that Karen had! It worked out in the end.
4. b. More birthday! I decided to break up this post because it would have been very long. Anyway, our FHE brother Jim helped us blow up balloons (they were gold...for her golden birthday...she's turning 20 on the Eh?). We wrote out a secret message on them using pictures that said, "You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime." We felt it was a good motto to live by. We also got her a Justin Bieber DVD, a nightgown, and some socks. They were wrapped in a Walmart bag. We're just classy like that. Overall, I think it was a successful celebration for Baby J.

 The saddest cupcakes in existence. At least they tasted good...

Ok, seriously. Look at how cute Baby J is with her birthday dirt cup thing! And yes, there are 20 candles. I insisted. It's not your birthday unless you have the right number of candles.

5. a. Tomorrow I am going out of town.
5. b. Oh. Did I mention that tomorrow I am leaving the country?
5. c. Oh. I am going to Canada. For the weekend. Cool, right? It's Karen's brother's wedding reception, so we're all joining her in Alberta for the weekend! I'M JUST SO FREAKIN EXCITED! (Kristin Wiig, anyone?) I will update you all on this adventure once I get back.

6. Oh, you know. I'm just procrastinating doing my homework.

7. My mom sent me the link to this blog. It's about a sister missionary who served in England, and it is her answer to the question, "How was the mission?" I loved it. It makes me want to serve a mission, too :) Please read it! You will love it!

8. Sometimes Heather and I stay up all night laughing. No big deal or anything, we just don't sleep. It's fantastic!! I love that girl.
8. b. Last night we stayed up late texting each other. Through emojicons. She was sitting at her desk. I was sitting two feet away, on my bed. We're just cool like that.

A frequent sight on my phone.

A typical convo between me and Heather. No big deal.
[I hope you catch the Elf reference in there...]
[Also, we do not typically abbreviate words in texting. We were using it to be funny.]

9. I may or may not have played Live Action Mario Kart the other night...I'll let you figure that out for yourselves.

10. For all of you who think that Utah is have never been to Uinta National Forest in the fall. It is seriously one of the prettiest places I have ever been. I don't even have any words to describe it. I would be very happy to live there in a little cabin, watching the leaves change colors, sipping hot cocoa or apple cider, and reading books. It would be the best life.

Oh you know. It's just one of the prettiest places I've ever seen.

11. It really is time for me to do my homework. It really needs to be done. Even though I really don't want to do it. It really [REALLY] needs to be done.

Until next time, blogging world! Be on the lookout for an upcoming blist about Canada!

Procrastination At Its Finest!

And so, because blogging takes priority over homework (clearly), here is that new post you all have been waiting for! I know you've been dying to read something new from me. Ha. I don't really have a main topic today...I just wanted to blog. So here's my life.

1. Marissa and her roommates got a snake. I went to go see it a few nights ago, and I learned that I really don't like snakes. As in [REALLY DON'T LIKE] snakes.

2. On Sunday, my awesome home teachers brought me cookies. Again!! This time they were snickerdoodles. And man, did I need them. My roommates and I watched the movie 17 Miracles about the Martin and Willie Handcart companies trying to get to the Salt Lake Valley. It was so good, but I just had to sit and cry for a little while once we finished it. Steph and I are both...let's just say "tender hearts"...and I was grateful for the cookies.

 "We made you a cookie man with...peanut butter...pants..." -My home teachers

3. a. I love my French class. A lot. It seriously is my very favorite class.
3. b. Story time!! So about a month ago, Madame Thompson (the head of the BYU French department, a native French speaker, and in general a very intimidating and well put together woman) was in my class to see how my instructor was doing. (I may have mentioned before, but my instructor, Madame Burgon, is a graduate student.) So in class we had to play a game of French Catch Phrase with our vocabulary words. Turns out we had an odd number of students...and I was left without a partner. Conveniently enough, Madame Thompson said she would be my partner. I was crying internally. I left class that day feeling like I had given a poor representation of Madame Burgon's teaching abilities and my own (limited) French skills. BUT!! This is where it gets good, people. The next day, Madame Burgon told me that Madame Thompson was - get this - VERY impressed by my French and she thought that I did a wonderful job!! Are we kidding?! I was so excited!!
3. c. I've been feeling like French is the direction I am supposed to go in school. Is that silly? I'm not sure. But I love that class so much more than any other class I have taken here at BYU, and it just feels right. We'll see what happens.

 Madame Burgon gave us all Halloween bags! I ate all of the candy corn. Plus vite. Haha.

4. Tomorrow is Jalyn's birthday!! Baby J is going to be...are you ready for this?...TWENTY!! We celebrated a little bit tonight, because we are going out of town tomorrow (see number 5 for more info), and it was fantastic! I made dinner and...tried to make dessert. Dinner was sweet potatoes with baked apples, cheddar cheese, and bacon bits on top. We also had a caesar salad. For dessert...we had a bit of a fail. For some reason the batter I made for the chocolate cake completely fell in the oven. Who knows why. So then I tried to make cupcakes with the remaining batter. Those fell, too. We ended up making dirt cups out of the cakes with pudding that Karen had! It worked out in the end.
4. b. More birthday! I decided to break up this post because it would have been very long. Anyway, our FHE brother Jim helped us blow up balloons (they were gold...for her golden birthday...she's turning 20 on the Eh?). We wrote out a secret message on them using pictures that said, "You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime." We felt it was a good motto to live by. We also got her a Justin Bieber DVD, a nightgown, and some socks. They were wrapped in a Walmart bag. We're just classy like that. Overall, I think it was a successful celebration for Baby J.

 The saddest cupcakes in existence. At least they tasted good...

Ok, seriously. Look at how cute Baby J is with her birthday dirt cup thing! And yes, there are 20 candles. I insisted. It's not your birthday unless you have the right number of candles.

5. a. Tomorrow I am going out of town.
5. b. Oh. Did I mention that tomorrow I am leaving the country?
5. c. Oh. I am going to Canada. For the weekend. Cool, right? It's Karen's brother's wedding reception, so we're all joining her in Alberta for the weekend! I'M JUST SO FREAKIN EXCITED! (Kristin Wiig, anyone?) I will update you all on this adventure once I get back.

6. Oh, you know. I'm just procrastinating doing my homework.

7. My mom sent me the link to this blog. It's about a sister missionary who served in England, and it is her answer to the question, "How was the mission?" I loved it. It makes me want to serve a mission, too :) Please read it! You will love it!

8. Sometimes Heather and I stay up all night laughing. No big deal or anything, we just don't sleep. It's fantastic!! I love that girl.
8. b. Last night we stayed up late texting each other. Through emojicons. She was sitting at her desk. I was sitting two feet away, on my bed. We're just cool like that.

A frequent sight on my phone.

A typical convo between me and Heather. No big deal.
[I hope you catch the Elf reference in there...]
[Also, we do not typically abbreviate words in texting. We were using it to be funny.]

9. I may or may not have played Live Action Mario Kart the other night...I'll let you figure that out for yourselves.

10. For all of you who think that Utah is have never been to Uinta National Forest in the fall. It is seriously one of the prettiest places I have ever been. I don't even have any words to describe it. I would be very happy to live there in a little cabin, watching the leaves change colors, sipping hot cocoa or apple cider, and reading books. It would be the best life.

Oh you know. It's just one of the prettiest places I've ever seen.

11. It really is time for me to do my homework. It really needs to be done. Even though I really don't want to do it. It really [REALLY] needs to be done.

Until next time, blogging world! Be on the lookout for an upcoming blist about Canada!